Scam sellers asking for deposit sight unseen

We have become aware of sellers listing caravans for sale and then asking for a deposit on the caravan before appraisal or inspection. The listing is usually of a popular caravan with a price that is low enough to make it very attractive. The seller then asks for a deposit to hold the caravan without allowing the buyer to inspect it.

Beware of any dealings that ask you to pay a deposit for a vehicle you have not inspected.

Beware of any caravan that has a price that is too good to be true, even if just by a small margin. Scam sellers use price to tempt buyers into wanting to secure a caravan that does not exist. 

In most cases, reports of this scam also include details of emails that raised concerns by being evasive or light on detail. In one case, the email showed up in Google search results as being associated with a similar scam (involved in the sale of a horse float).

A PPSR search is a good place to start when verifying a vehicle. But beware that scammers can use a real VIN on their ads. A fake VIN would be a definitely red flag therefore but a true VIN does not necessarily mean the caravan is in the ownership of the person who claims it. 

Always use discretion when dealing with sellers and make sure you inspect the vehicle prior to purchase. 

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