The maximum image size allowed on Caravan Sales is 5Mb. Our software automatically reduces and optimizes images. The actual image size is likely to fall into the range 0.3 to 0.5Mb (300kb to 500kb).Â
If you’re having problems uploading your images, it’s likely they are larger than the 5Mb cut-off size. In this case, you will need to reduce the size of your image before you can upload them. The video below will guide you through the steps.
Play Video
Steps Explained
Google Image Resizer
This part is easy, just click on the link to the ‘Image Resizer’ above.
Uploaded Your Image
Upload your image and select a size around the 1,000px range.
Use The Resized Image On Your Listing
Once you've resized your image, download it. Then upload that resized image to the Caravan Sales website.