In today’s world of online marketing it’s extremely important to be aware and vigilant of internet scammers. Here at Caravansales we aim to provide both our subscribers and visitors alike with the safest possible browsing experience. However, it’s also very good practice as an individual or corporate advertiser to be diligent and aware of possible scamming threats.
Be alert to the fact that scams exist. When dealing with uninvited contacts from people or businesses, whether it’s over the phone, by mail, email, in person or on a social networking site, always consider the possibility that the approach may be a scam. Remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Do not open suspicious texts, pop-up windows or emails – delete them. Beware of unusual payment methods. Scammers often ask for payment by wire transfers, preloaded cards and even Google Play and Bitcoin. Be very careful as these payment methods could be a sign that it
is part of a scam.
Be aware of possible scams that may involve a potential buyer asking you, as a seller, to pay for the freight costs of goods prior to that purchase being completed.
Phishing scams are becoming more and more prevalent and are used to gain private information such as bank account details, credit card numbers and passwords. This link provides extensive information on how scams work, warning signs and steps to take if you believe you may have been scammed.
One of the best sources of information regarding possible scams is a publication put out by the ACCC called the Little Black Book of Scams which has an informative background in alerting you to possible scams and scammers.
Be aware of scams by signing up to scamwatch at
You can subscribe to the Australian Cyber Security Centre and receive information on security alerts
If you believe you have been exposed to a scamming incident we advise that you report the listing to us. Each listing has a Report button in the first line, just beneath the main image.

eBay Motors Scam
A common scam we’re seeing is people offering to pay for a caravan via eBay Motors. This is not a legitimate company or payment method. While eBay exists, and they sell motor vehicles, there is no entity called eBay Motors.
See below for an example of this scam. We have removed details to protect the person involved:

Examples Of Scam Emails
One of the most common scams we see are people pretending to be unavailable for various reasons (eg they’re FIFO workers and work on remote sites without phone coverage). They often want to buy the caravan sight unseen. Here are some examples of emails that have been forwarded to us:
Hello From Caravan Sales Hi Mr Andrew is making inquiry He will like to know if your caravan is still available, he will like to know your firm price likewise the condition as described on the advert exactly ,he work on a remote mine site, Energy Resources of Australia Ltd (ERA) Darwin, NT and the reception is terrible. he do not have access to a phone at the moment, which is why I contacted you with internet messaging facility. you may also drop your phone number so he can give you a call as soon as he can, you can reply back to his email .
Hi I'm Carries I will like to know if your caravan is still available, I will like to know your firm price likewise the condition as described on the advert, exactly what am looking for,I work on a remote mine site, Energy Resources of Australia Ltd (ERA) Darwin, NT and the reception is terrible. We do not have access to a phone at the moment, which is why I contacted you with internet messaging facility. you may also drop your phone number so i can give you a call as soon as am back home. Where is it located at the moment? Does it have any history I should be aware of? and why are you selling if you don't mind my asking? I am already in talks with the courier that will handle the pick-up and delivery. you can reply back to my email . [email protected]. Regards
And here is another:
i have just completed the payment and i expected paypal to have notified you to this effect.check your mail folders (inbox,spam and junkmail) i sent $52,600 in all.i added $2,600 but $2,500 will be sent to my agent bank details,the extra $50 is to cover for the transfer fee and your taxi fee or gas.Paypal said they will not release the fund until you email them the bank cash deposit details receipt or online internet bank payment screenshot for verification,and also to enable my pick up agent to come for pick up and inspection.Here is the agent's details where the money will be sent.
There’s usually some bogus way of paying for the caravan involved. This this instance a fake PayPal transaction:
This email confirms that you have received an Instant payment of $52,600.00 AUD from Carrie Groves via PayPal Merchandise Wire transfer Payment Service. Reversals : This method of payment can not be reversed. Status : Pending - Transport Agent Awaiting Payment.
There are many red flags with these interactions. The email address for the payment was “[email protected]”. Do not trust generic email addresses. Another red flag is the poor English and the inability for the buyer to make proper contact and actually view the caravan.
We use spam filtering that includes a database of known spam addresses. Unfortunately, it is too easy to make new email addresses like [email protected] that aren’t known on the spam databases. Please be wary of generic email address and anyone who doesn’t make proper contact with you and inspect the vehicle.
In the one below we see some recurring themes that raise red flags. The first is when they say they’re buying on behalf of someone else. This someone else is always working remotely, it seems. The other is payment via PayPal. They often use fake PayPal payments to make it look like they’ve paid for the vehicle.
Thanks for getting back,I'm fine with the price likewise the condition as described on the advert,exactly what am looking for,I m buying the Caravan for my step son as surprise birthday gift and i hope he will like it,I work on a remote underground mine site and the reception here is terrible and this is why I contacted you with my work internet messaging facility,I normally leave my mobile at home whenever I m coming to work cus it’s of no use here. Does it have any history I should be aware of? and why are you selling if you don't mind my asking.I am already in talks with the courier that will handle the pick-up and delivery. As regards the payment, I can only make payment through my PayPal EFT transfer as a direct bank deposit to any bank of your choice cus it works both ways,by using PayPal instant bank wire transfer service and if you are wondering why i cant do a normal bank transfer is due to the issue i m having with my bank account and wont be resolved till am back home by the end of November but I really need to surprise him on his Birthday,so you don’t need to own a PayPal account to make a direct deposit, I will need your bank details and I will make the payment through PayPal facility to your bank account,all needed is your PayPal email address OR account number,BSB number and account name and also i will be sending you an attachment of my drivers license photo so you will be sure that i am legit buyer and i will also need any form of identification from you so we can both be on a safer side,please read carefully before you respond back and if you wont accept a paypal payment please dont bother to respond to avoid